NetRet Appeals Policy for PAS 2030:2023 Clients
NetRet Group Ltd provides a structured appeals process for clients who wish to contest decisions related to PAS 2030:2023 certification. Below is an outline of the appeals process and escalation procedures.
1. Grounds for Appeal
Clients have the right to appeal NetRet’s decisions in the following circumstances:
- Rejection of initial certification application.
- Suspension or withdrawal of certification.
- Non-conformance decisions that clients believe to be incorrect or unfair.
- Disputes arising from audit findings or surveillance evaluations.
2. Appeals Process Steps
1. Submission of Appeal:
- The appeal must be submitted in writing to NetRet Group Ltd.
- Clients should provide clear details, including relevant documentation to support their case.
2. Acknowledgment of Appeal:
- NetRet will acknowledge receipt of the appeal within 72 hours.
3. Internal Review:
- A senior review panel will evaluate the appeal independently.
- Additional information may be requested from the appellant.
4. Resolution Timeline:
- A final decision will be communicated within 30 days of the appeal submission.
- If further investigation is required, the client will be informed of any extended timeline.
5. Notification of Outcome:
- NetRet will provide a written response detailing the decision and any corrective actions if applicable.
6. Appeals Committee
- An independent Appeals Committee will be established to review and decide on appeals. The committee will consist of at least three members who were not involved in the original certification decision.
- The committee members will be selected based on their expertise, impartiality, and absence of any conflict of interest.
3. Further Escalation to UKAS
If the client remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the appeal, they may escalate the matter to UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) for an independent review.
- The appeal to UKAS should include all prior correspondence and outcomes from NetRet's internal appeals process.
- UKAS can be contacted via their official website or email for guidance on their appeals procedure.