Code Of Conduct


As TrustMark Scheme Provider, NetRet strives to ensure the integrity, professionalism and quality of our businesses, and the work(s) they carry out. This Code of Conduct applies to all NetRet members, despite whether they hold a TrustMark Licence, PAS accreditation or other accreditation within the industry.

Members should read this document in conjunction with but not limited to:

Scheme” shall refer to NetRet Ltd as the TrustMark Scheme Provider.

Accreditation” shall refer to the official recognition of businesses qualifications to Current and most relevant PAS.

GDPR” shall refer to General Data Protection Regulation

Membership” shall refer to the agreement between the Scheme and member in order to facilitate practice/via accreditation.

Project” shall refer to the recognised assessment, work(s) and output for the appropriate works in and around the home.

Property” shall refer to a dwelling where the project is being undertaken.

Data Warehouse” shall refer to industry-facing repository of information about work undertaken and the property being improved under a Project.


Act with honesty, in good faith, with integrity and in the best interests of the NetRet

Members shall not act in a manner which shall bring the Scheme, TrustMark, the Industry, and/or Projects into dispute.

  1. Completing Work to Standard 

3.1 Professional Integrity 

3.1.1      If members undertake other professional services relating to the property, they are not acting as members of NetRet in respect of that other work, even if this is carried out during the same visit. Such services shall be covered by separate contracts.

3.1.2      Where relevant, the member shall include a declaration of any personal or business relationship (other than in relation to producing the project), that they have with:

3.1.3      Members shall also disclose a financial and/or personal relationship with others involved in the transaction, for example where their employer is also the person commissioning the report.

3.1.4(a) The person who commissioned the Project.

3.1.4(b) Any person on whose behalf the Project was commissioned.

3.1.4(c) Any person who believes they have or may have a personal or business relationship to the person detailed above.

3.1.4(d) Any person who has, or may have, an interest in the building.

3.2         Duty of Care

Established Legal precedent places a Legal Duty of Care on the member such that: 

3.2.1      Members must carry out projects with reasonable care and skill and ensure compliance with the TrustMark Code of Conduct and Customer Charter at all times.

3.2.3      All members will act in a professional manner, communicate clearly and in good time, be mindful of vulnerable customers and carry out the service they are proving in a safe manner.

3.2.4      The member must act in accordance with GDPR.

3.2.5      The member is required to comply with the Consumer Rights Act when delivering a service.

3.3         Before Work Begins

3.3.1      Members shall display full company and trading name clearly on your website and all formal communications.

3.3.2      Ensure all advertising material is clear, truthful and legal; it is compliant with UK legislation.

3.3.3      Members must ensure all images displayed and uploaded on to the business website must be of own work. Or if using stock pictures or images of sub-contractor works, this must be clearly acknowledged.

3.3.4        Members must ensure all staff within the workforce are competent to complete the work. All work must be completed in a timely manner.

3.3.5      Members shall agree to be bound by all NetRet Scheme Rules, shall follow NetRet Procedures, and will be bound by the NetRet disciplinary process unless they are overturned by appeal.

3.3.6      Members shall be prepared to explain any element of the proposed work(s), sections or terms to the customer before and during the planned work(s). 

3.3.7      Members shall identify and disclose to the owner/occupier any financial relationships with others involved in the transaction.

3.3.8      If using a sub-contractor this should be clearly explained to the customer and they must adhere to the guidance and rules set in (name of document covering sub-contractor use).

3.4         Contracts and Before Starting Work

3.4.1      Members should always use a written contract, which is clear and accessible for all customers to understand.

3.4.2      Members should agree and deposits or payments (including plans) with the customer before any work begins and in writing. Giving the customer time to review what is agreed. These should be fair and proportionate. Never take full payment before starting any work(s).

3.4.3      Members shall not accept any gifts or inducements, which could in any way be interpreted as an attempt to influence their objectivity and decisions.

3.4.4      If relevant, members will confirm in communications with the customer the timeline for the work(s) including what to expect at handover, including any appropriate insurance backed guarantees and what they cover.

3.4.5      Members shall show identification to the person at the Property upon arrival. If a member is found to not provide ID, NetRet will determine the level of transgression and any appropriate action to be taken.

3.5         Work in Progress 

3.5.1      In accordance with this document and the associated Trustmark Code of Conduct, members will be expected to always present themselves in a professional and polite manner; NetRet determine this will include their appearance, language, and general demeanour and by abiding by no cold calling zones.

3.5.2      Members must proceed with the work with due diligence according to the written contract or quotation between parties. If any technical difficulties are encountered with the project, advice must be sought.

3.5.3      Endeavour to hold a positive and professional relationship with the customer.

3.5.4      Conduct ‘toolbox talks’ and brief the customer regularly to ensure clarity and acknowledgement.

3.5.5      Ensure the working site is a safe environment, with clear risk assessments and practises that comply with health and safety law.  

3.5.6      Notify any appropriate parties and authorities, when relevant, such as Building Control.

3.6         When Work is Completed 

3.7.1      Members shall understand and adhere to NetRet Scheme Provider document(s)).

3.7.2      Leave the site/property clean, tidy and ready for use. Any waste must be disposed in compliance with relevant legislation.

3.7.3      Ensure a handover is completed in line with NetRet Policies and current and most relevant PAS

3.7.4      Ensure the customer knows the contact details if any defects arise or rectification is needed.

3.7.5      If relevant, hand over the paperwork to the Retrofit Coordinator in line with the current and most relevant PAS or to the employee making the lodgement in to the TrustMark Data Warehouse.

3.7         Customer Privacy 

3.8.1 Members may come across personal information about the various parties, in particular the owner, occupier/s and owner/occupier of the Property, which has no relevance to the service you are providing. Such information must not be recorded in on-site data collection sheets, included within photographic evidence, or divulged to third parties, save that Members must not treat this provision as a reason to ignore their common law duties and responsibilities.

3.8         Health & Safety 

3.9.1 All Members shall know and comply with the requirements of health and safety regulations and legislation.

3.9.2      In the course of their work, the Member shall take reasonable steps to ensure their own, and the publics, health and safety. If a Member considers a building, or part of the building, unsafe they shall:

3.9.3(a) Record any such instances in their site notes.

3.9.3(b) If necessary, inform others as a part of their duty of care.

3.9.3(c) If necessary, the member will not continue with the provision of the Report.

3.9         Timescales 

3.10.1   Members shall complete the work(s) in a timely manner. Any delay must be made clear to the customer with the reason as to why.

3.10.2   Members must rectify any faults within a timely manner in line with scheme and TrustMark documentation.

3.10.3   Members must address and close disputes within 12 weeks, keeping all evidence.

3.10       Fees 

3.11.2 A member will need to complete invoices in line with the TrustMark Code of Conduct and make the customer aware of their right to cancellation.

4            Records & Files

4.1 Data Management 

4.1.1      Members shall ensure that all data and information retained in relation to their work is used and maintained in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All customers are entitled to know what personal information you hold on them (without charge).

4.1.2      Any data collected by the Member shall only be used for the purposes of completing the work(s) to the correct standard, complying with scheme rules. This data shall only be shared with the Scheme and agencies, such as TrustMark, for purpose of surveillance and validation and will be in line with GDPR Regulations.

4.1.3      The identification of the age, construction, materials, services provided and available and measurements form the basis for the inspection of the building. Such descriptions shall be included in the data collection sheets/site notes.

4.1.4      Any appropriate login details, which enable access to sensitive data, such as to  lodgement software, which will be kept safe and secure.           

4.2         Reports found to be defective 

4.2.1      Where an assessment of a property is found to be defective, it is the responsibility of the Member to not begin the work until the appropriate actions have addressed the issue, such as mould in a property. This must be logged and reported to NetRet and if relevant the Retrofit Assessors Scheme Provider.

4.3         Data Sharing 

4.3.1      The Member shall agree to the Scheme sharing information it holds on the Member with other Scheme Providers and appropriate parties regarding the following information:

4.3.1(a) Disciplinary Actions, including failing to meet the Code of Conduct, the production of defective projects, the failure to meet CPD requirements, any other issues related to the Code of Conduct.

4.3.1(b) Complaints against the Member which NetRet has knowledge of.

4.3.1(c) Competency assessments, including the outcome of any TrustMark and [Scheme Provider] Quality Assurance checks.

4.3.1(d) The Members CPD Records, which must include updated CPD running on a yearly basis on the annual anniversary of their initial accreditation.

5.           Enquiries from Customers

5.1         Members are professional individuals who should be confident enough in their own work to be able to provide clear and concise response to any queries from their customers.

5.2         If appropriate, such as a vulnerable customer, all engagement should be in an appropriate fashion and any advice or information should be provided in writing; shall give enough time for the customer to action anything.

6.           Complaints and Claims 

6.1         All complaints directly to NetRet and any subsequent disciplinary action will be dealt with in line with the Complaints Policy and Terms and Conditions.

6.2         Any breaches of this Code of Conduct will be dealt with in line with the Complaints Policy and Terms and Conditions.  

6.3         All Members will use their own complaints procedure prior to contacting NetRet which is made available at request, in order to attempt to resolve any issue with minimal disruption. Records of which are to be kept in a secure manner.

6.4         All Members will inform NetRet of any received complaint with two weeks of receiving the initial complaint.

6.5         Any complaint escalated to TrustMark will be passed to NetRet who will address such case with the member.

7.           Competency 

7.1         Quality Assurance Surveillance

7.1.1      In order to ensure the standards and quality of produced projects, Members shall undertake periodic Quality Assurance Surveillance in line with the requirements of the strand relevant QA Standards.

7.1.2      Members shall provide all the necessary evidence required for the completion of a Surveillance Audit in a timely manner and in line with “23” Auditor Checklist to MTC Standards and System specific audit documents

7.1.3      Members shall only provide evidence which only relates to the project being requested for audit.

7.1.4      Sanctions for failure to follow the prescribed Scheme Quality Assurance Surveillance process are outline in the strand relevant System specific audit documents.


7.2         Continued Professional Development


7.2.1      In order to maintain the professional knowledge, experience and competency of the Scheme’s members, Members shall undertake Continued Professional Development (CPD) activities.

7.2.2      CPD evidence shall cover a mandatory set of hours and topics as approved via the platform providers. 

7.2.3      Members shall have their CPD Records requested by the Scheme annually on the anniversary of their membership. 

7.2.6      Where a Member fails to provide a return of the full requirement of annual CPD following a request, their membership shall be suspended until such time as this has been completed.


Review History


Version – V1.0

Date Approval – 08/03/2023

Approved by – Neil Milne

Date of Review – 07/03/2024

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