Terms & Conditions

NetRet Group Limited is an independent certification business providing a portfolio of consultancy and audit management processes to enable client companies to meet the required management systems and controls to apply for scheme certifications such as Trustmark. We focus on the construction and ancillary sectors regarding decarbonisation of houses and commercial dwellings.

We operate under the direction of the Directors who will be responsible in ensuring that NetRet Group Ltd are in compliance with the guidelines set out by the scheme providers as well as ensuring that our procedures are administered in a non-discriminatory manner.

Our General Terms

Payments and Fees

To progress to certification 100% of the invoice costs should be settled.

TrustMark (License Plus) certification starts at £TBC + VAT.

On agreement of terms for delivery NetRet Ltd will be in touch with your appointed payment person. Please provide us with the best person for our accounts/finance department to get in touch with.

Our QuickBooks Invoicing system makes it simple to make your payments. Should you need to make your payment manually please follow the instructions below:

All payments should be made to:

Account Name: NetRet Group Ltd

Account Number: 38414791

Sort Code: 60-20-23

Credit Card Payments or Online Payments

If you wish to use a credit card system, we can organise a payment through our QuickBooks online booking system. Your credit card provider may charge you for this service.

Cooling off Period

As long as an assessment has not been confirmed or began (if so refer to our Cancellation Policy), you can cancel this agreement within 14 days under our cooling off period and you are entitled to a full refund.

Post 14 days and if you have not booked in or begun the assessment process and decide not to proceed at this stage, we will hold monies within credit ready for when you do wish to progress your application for certification.


In the event of a dispute or as a result of an unsuccessful application, you have the right of appeal. The appeal must be sent to the NetRet Group Ltd to review.

NetRet Group Ltd’s procedure for complaints, disputes and appeals can be made available on request.

Follow link for all our general policies.


Safety is important to us and we ask that you tell us about safety requirements prior to the initial visit.

Should protective equipment be required then you must supply it to us for the purposes of our work at your premises.

Client Changes

The client will inform us in writing, without delay of matters effecting the capability of the managements system to continue to fulfil the requirements of the standard used for certification.

These include, for example

  • Changes relating to the legal, commercial, organisational status or ownership, organisation and management (e.g. key managerial, decision-making, or technical staff).
  • Contact address and additional sites.
  • Scope of operations under the certified management system.
  • Major changes to the management system and processes.
  • Information on incidents such as a serious accident, or a serious breach of legislation necessitating the involvement of the competent regulatory authority.

Circumstances Beyond our/your Control

NetRet shall be relieved of liability should either or both parties become unable to carry out their obligations as a result of any matter beyond their reasonable control and which was not to be reasonably foreseen.


All information obtained by either party as a result of our mutual involvement in the certification process shall be held as confidential and not disclosed to any other party unless required as part of the certification process and agreed by both parties.

This confidentiality undertaking shall continue for 90 days after termination of this agreement.

Assessment & Certification Requirements

  1. The client should have a fully operational management system including controlled and up to date documents.
  2. The client will provide NetRet with a copy of the Management System Manual and other documentation as requested.
  3. The client will grant permission for the conduct of an assessment by qualified assessors carrying out an assessment in two stages according to the agreed program.
  4. The client will grant permission for UKAS or other nominated personnel to attend assessment audits as required, to verify the competence of NetRet assessors.
  5. The client will grant permission for NetRet to share private and confidential company information with UKAS, TrustMark and Green Deal Orb when there is a requirement to do so.

Logo and Certification Icon

Rules governing the use of the NetRet Group Ltd registration mark and certification icons will be issued with the certificate and must be complied with

Complaints and Feedback

We have a customer compliant policy in place and being a customer focused organisation, your feedback is exceptionally important to us.

Any complaints should be raised immediately with our head office team so they can log your complaint and appropriate actions will be followed up.

We ask that every client completes our short post service feedback form to help us identify areas of improvement.

Follow link Complaints Procedure

TrustMark (Licence Plus) Fees and Charges

Separate quotations are provided for the various stages of certification which will include:

Initial Certification

  • Process of your application for certification
  • A document review of your existing system and visit
  • Head office visit
  • Technical inspections for each measure (note that these MUST be carried out within 90 days of a head office visit.)
  • An assessor-day rate based on normal working hours (9am-5pm)
  • Quotes do not include assessor expenses which may include travelling, travel time, overnight accommodation, and meals. Milage is charged at £0.45 per mile
  • Includes first certificate, NetRet mark of registration to use on your company collateral (there will be a small admin charge for any changes or additional certifications)
  • Upon initial certification clients are required to complete a monthly installation log of all measure specific work to enable us to produce accurate surveillance costings for the maintenance of certification

Surveillance Visits

  • An assessor-day rate based on normal working hours (9am-5pm)
  • 1-10% of your installations will be inspected after the first year and initial certification
  • The percentage is based on a risk assessment that is carried out during the initial certification assessments
  • Quotes do not include assessor expenses which may include travelling, travel time, overnight accommodation and meals. Milage is charged at £0.45 per mile

Increase of scope 

  • Process of your application for increase of scope
  • A document review of your existing system and visit
  • Head office visit
  • Technical inspections for each measure
  • An assessor-day rate based on normal working hours (9am-5pm)
  • Quotes do not include assessor expenses which may include travelling, travel time, overnight accommodation and meals. Milage is charged at £0.45 per mile
  • Includes first certificate, NetRet mark of registration to use on your company collateral (there will be a small admin charge for any changes or additional certifications)

In the event of the client cancelling any planned visits within 30 days of the appointment the full amount will be payable


Following a satisfactory assessment, technical inspections, verification of the assessment report, and completion of any corrective actions, we shall issue a certificate, which is valid for one year.

Subsequent yearly certificates are issued subject to continued satisfactory performance being achieved through surveillance assessments, which shall be carried out on 1-10% of your installations.

If a major non-conformance is found during the initial assessment process a recommendation for certification shall not be made until either corrective action has been verified by a site visit (which may be chargeable) or appropriate documentary evidence of corrective action has been submitted and approved by us.

If a major non-conformance is found during surveillance assessment you shall be required to carry out corrective action within an agreed timescale, which shall normally be no greater than 21 days following the assessment.

Where there are a high number of non-conformances (i.e. more than 5), there will be additional charges to review these due to the time it takes for additional assessment.


Conformance Levels



Non-conformance is the absence or failure to implement and maintain one or more requirements of the reference standard under assessment.

There are two grades of non-conformance:

Major Non-Conformance

The absence or failure to implement and maintain one or more requirements of the management system reference standard, or a situation which would, based on objective evidence, raise significant doubt as to the capability of the system to achieve the policy and objectives of the system.

A major non-conformance would also be raised if the organisation breached a legal requirement.

Certification shall not be granted or continued to be certified until all major non-conformities have been corrected and the corrective actions verified.

Minor Non-Conformance

A vague or unrevealing element of the management system, which may result in a small discrepancy that could be corrected with minimal organisational, operational, or technical change and within a reasonable time frame, (as opposed to a major non-conformance where the facility has not addressed or adequately addressed the criterion).

TrustMark Surveillance Visits Agreement

It is part of the Licence Plus requirement that Surveillance Visits commence as soon as your initial certification is granted. These are calculated as a % of your total number of installs; which will be between 1-10% dependant on your score.

These have to be completed before your next yearly head office assessment.

As part of your certification agreement, you must:

  • Submit your weekly installation numbers so that the number of required visits can be monitored and calculated against the percentage required.
  • As soon as the total number of % of surveillance visits need hits three, a list of properties will need to be submitted so that technical inspections can be arranged.
  • Agree to a monthly surveillance assessment program to keep on top of the number of technical assessments required.
  • It is a contractual requirement with Green Deal Orb that you submit your weekly installation figures to your Certification Body. Failure to do this could lead to both PAS 2030 Certification and TrustMark to be suspended. 

Special Assessment Visit

We reserve the right to make an additional chargeable Special Assessment Visit in the following circumstances:

  • Where assessment is required verify the closure of Major non- conformances
  • At initial evaluation the condition of the management system or scope of certification is not as described during the application stage
  • Significant modifications to the management system have taken place
  • Significant changes to the organisation, scope or processes have occurred which were not notified to us in sufficient time prior to the standard assessment visit
  • Where we are required to investigate information on serious accidents or a breach of legislation resulting in the involvement of the regulatory authority
  • A TrustMark notification to us that highlights concern as an Installer of Interest Assessment Plan

TrustMark Applicants

Any applicants wishing to gain TrustMark registration are advised to read their downloadable guidance found via this link to ensure the scheme requirements are fully understood. Please note all applications will be audited against its standards to confirm compliance before registration is granted:

Helpful Information, Guidance & Advice For Work Done Around Your Home (trustmark.org.uk)

Any installer who does not declare their outstanding Technical Monitoring fails during the application process, runs the risk of being automatically removed from the TrustMark scheme.

Installer of Interest Assessment Plan

Where there is an occasion that TrustMark have highlighted a high percentage of fails via their Technical Monitoring we reserve the right to move the organisation onto our “Installer of Interest Assessment Plan”.

We have designed this programme to provide Installers who have been identified as problematic with a chance to improve so that they can retain certification if they demonstrate improvement, rather than move to an immediate removal of their TrustMark registration.

  • This is a short-term assessment programme in which the Installation Organisation will have the opportunity to demonstrate their move to reduce TM fails so that they can continue to retain their certification and TrustMark registration.
  • The programme has been designed to ensure that the Installation Organisation is moving towards sustainable improvement and reduce risk of TM fails.
  • The installer organisation will be required to:
    • Evidence corrective actions via a Special Assessment Visit to address the root cause of the TM fails.
    • Submit corrective actions through an improvement plan to demonstrate how the business intends to improve moving forward as agreed during the Special Assessment Visit
    • Evidence to show an improvement in technical fails.
  • There is an additional fee to be moved onto the “Installer of Interest Assessment Plan” to cover the additional assessment and administration time required to closely monitor the installer organisation.
    • £995 + VAT (inclusive of expenses) for a Special Assessment Visit
    • £595 +VAT administration management fee per month
    • Once the improvement plan is in place a technical inspection will be required against each measure. We will offer for Special Assessment Inspections to coincide with your surveillance assessments.
    • If this can’t be coordinated to coincide with surveillance visits each Special Assessment Technical Inspection will be £500 +VAT
  • PAS 2030 Certification and TrustMark Registration will be removed where an organisation is
    • Not willing to move onto the Installer of Interest Assessment Plan when required.
    • Fails to comply with the agreed corrective actions from the Special Assessment Visit
    • Becomes uncooperative and unresponsive.

Once we are satisfied that the Installation Organisation has demonstrated a change in their procedures to address the root cause to reduce risk, they will be moved back onto our standard surveillance programme.

Customer Complaints about your Organisation

If we receive a complaint about your organisation, we have a process in place that will need to be followed:

  1. The complaint will be logged on our system and we will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 72 hours to the complainant.
  2. We will ask you as the installation company to provide details around the complaint so we can carry out an investigation.
  3. We will ask that you – as the installation organisation – to contact the complainant direct in the first instance to try and resolve the issue.
  4. Within four weeks we would expect in most cases for the complaint to be resolved with the installation company and complainant direct and we will ask you to provide evidence of this.
  5. If within the four weeks, the issue is still outstanding the complainant may be given an option to access ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)
  6. If you are a TrustMark registered business, and the complainant feels the issue still has not been resolved, then we will provide them with an option to escalate the dispute to the Dispute Resolution Ombudsman (DRO) when all steps above have been exhausted.

As part of your certification agreement, we reserve the right to:

  1. Carry out a special visit to the complainant’s property and/or your head office to investigate the complaint. This will be at cost to the installation organisation. Failure to comply with this could result in suspension of certification and TrustMark registration.
  2. Ask for the installation organisation to provide evidence of how they have dealt with the complaint to demonstrate that process has been followed. Failure to comply with this could result in suspension of certification and TrustMark registration.
  3. Increase risk scoring of the business (resulting in an increase of % for Surveillance Inspections) where we find that the installation organisation has failed to meet their own process.

TrustMark (Licence Plus) Certification Agreement

  • As the client you will always fulfil the certification requirements including implementing appropriate changes when they are communicated by NetRet Group Ltd
  • If the certification applies to ongoing production, the certified product continues to fulfil the product requirements.
  • As our client you will make all necessary arrangements for
    • the conduct of the evaluation and surveillance (if required), including provision for examining documentation and records, and access to the relevant equipment, location(s), area(s), personnel, and subcontractors;
    • investigation of complaints;
    • the participation of observers, if applicable;
  • The client makes claims regarding certification consistent with the scope of certification;
  • The client does not use its product certification in such a manner as to bring NetRet Group Ltd into disrepute and does not make any statement regarding its product certification that NetRet Group Ltd may consider misleading or unauthorised;
  • Upon suspension, withdrawal, or termination of certification, the client discontinues its use of all advertising matter that contains any reference thereto and takes action as required by the certification scheme (e.g. the return of certification documents) and takes any other required measure;
  • If the client provides copies of the certification documents to others, the documents shall be reproduced in their entirety or as specified in the certification scheme;
  • In making reference to its product certification in communication media such as documents, brochures or advertising, the client complies with the requirements of NetRet Group Ltd or as specified by the certification scheme;
  • The client complies with any requirements that may be prescribed in the certification scheme relating to the use of marks of conformity, and on information related to the product;
  • The client keeps a record of all complaints made known to it relating to compliance with certification requirements and makes these records available to NetRet Group Ltd when requested, and
    • takes appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found in products that affect compliance with the requirements for certification;
    • documents the actions taken;
  • The client informs NetRet Group Ltd, without delay, of changes that may affect its ability to conform with the certification requirements.
    • the legal, commercial, organisational status or ownership,
    • organisation and management (e.g. key managerial, decision-making or technical staff),
    • modifications to the product or the production method,
    • contact address and production sites,
    • major changes to the quality management system.

How Long Certification Takes

There are many factors that impact the certification timeline, these are largely on our customer side as we have set timeframes that we work within that ensures we provide the excellent customer service and to manage your expectations.

The time frames are detailed below:

  • Once you have paid, we will contact you within 72 hours to arrange your assessment dates.
  • Assessment Reports will be submitted no more than 48 hours after the event. This is also when you will receive details of any non-conformances found.
  • When you respond to a non-conformance, we will review your evidence no later than 10 working days.
  • When all non-conformances are closed, we will send your reports for independent Technical Verification. We will complete this within 5 working days.
  • Once the Technical Verification is complete, we will complete our Certification Decision Making Report. We aim to have this completed within 5 working days.
  • Upon the decision to grant certification, we will produce your certificate which must pass our quality checks. We aim to have this completed within 5 working days.

The above time frames will be longer for the following reasons:

  • Poor evidence is submitted to us against any raised non-conformance resulting in these being rejected and having to be re-submitted.
  • Additional non-conformances are raised during Technical Verification and Certification Decision Making.

Use of our Mark of Registration

NetRet Group Ltd have the right to exercise the control the use and display of licenses, certificates, marks of conformity, and any other mechanisms for indicating a product is certified.

Incorrect references to the certification scheme, or misleading use of licenses, certificates, marks, or any other mechanism for indicating a product is certified, found in documentation or other publicity, shall be dealt with by suitable action.

A document explaining the use of certificates and logos is issued along with the certificate.

Head Office Assessment and Technical Inspections

For initial certification or a scope extension, technical inspections MUST be conducted within 90 days of the head office assessment to ensure that the validity of the assessment is maintained for the chosen measures.

Where the technical inspections have exceeded the 90 day period from the head office assessment, the head office  assessment will need to be repeated and is chargeable to the installation organisation.

Termination of Agreement

Both parties shall have the right to terminate the agreement at any time by giving three months’ notice in writing, or immediately should:

  • The other party breach any of the conditions of certification and fail to remedy that breach within 30 days of being required to do so, or such other period as may be specified in writing.
  • The other party repeat a material breach of the conditions of certification which it has been previously required to remedy.
  • The other party become insolvent or enter into liquidation or has a receiver appointed or suffer any similar action as a consequence of debt.
  • Upon such termination all fees and other payments shall become immediately payable and any certificate of registration issued by us shall be invalidated with effect from the date of termination.
  • Upon withdrawal of certification, the client will discontinue its use of all advertising matter that contains reference to the relevant certification issued by NetRet.
  • Both the certificate and the rights to use the NetRet registered symbol remain our property.

Suspension or Withdrawal of  Certification

The Certificate may be withdrawn or suspended for any of the following reasons

  • Breach of any of these terms.
  • The client’s certified management system has persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements
  • Failure to apply corrective action because of non- conformities found at assessment or surveillance visits.
  • Continued logo misuse.
  • Failure of the customer to settle any outstanding invoice’s within the required invoicing term.

In the event of withdrawal or suspension of certification the customer shall discontinue any reference to their certification across their platforms.

The customer shall return all certification documentation to our offices.

NetRet Group Ltd will make public to all interested parties the status of the certification.

NetRet Group Ltd Limited is an independent certification body for PAS 2030, BIM, Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management systems to recognised international and national standards.

We operate under the direction of a Governing Board in compliance with ISO 17021, ISO 17065 and associated EAC Guidelines and our procedures are administered in a non-discriminatory manner.

1. Scope and Competency of Certification Bodies

NetRet Group Ltd shall undertake certification activities of only those PAS 2030-related EEMs in relation to which it has been accredited in accordance with BS EN ISO/IEC 17065.

2. NetRet Evaluation of Installation Process Management

  • arrangements are in place and used, to ensure that for every EEM installation is undertaken in accordance with PAS 2030;
  • the installer provides NetRet Group Ltd with the address and all relevant details of all properties where a (PAS compliant) measure will or has been installed and shall maintain a record of a minimum of guarantee period for the specific measure;
  • the retrofit installer cannot commence the installation of an EEM without being in possession of the relevant location specific retrofit design for the complete package of measures to be installed as part of that project (PAS 2030, 5.1);
  • the retrofit installer has looked through the design and not identified any obvious omissions or errors to feed back to the retrofit designer, in accordance with PAS 2030, 5.2, as being complete and suitable for the dwelling(s) for which it has been prepared;
  • prior to commencement of any installation, the retrofit installer has prepared a dedicated installation method statement in accordance with PAS 2030, 6.1 and has undertaken a pre- installation building inspection meeting the requirements of PAS 2030, 7.2;
  • installation, testing, commissioning and handover of an installed EEM has been undertaken in accordance with the relevant installation method statement and the relevant installation process elements of PAS 2030, 6.2 to 6.11;
  • in undertaking and completing EEM installations the retrofit installer has routinely maintained oversight procedures in accordance with the requirements of PAS 2030, 7.1, 7.3 to 7.7 and 7.9;
  • retrofit installer records of current capability, training and vocational competence for pre- installation building inspectors and installation operatives meet the requirements of PAS 2030, 6.5, including the provision of evidence supporting the vocational competence of personnel employed by both the retrofit installer and by subcontractors as well as demonstrating that competence ratios relevant to the specific measures installed are routinely complied with by both; and
  • pre-installation building inspection records (7.2.6) and installation process records are routinely prepared, maintained and made available as required in PAS 2030, 7.8. 

3. Retrofit Installer General

You the Retrofit Installer agree that your procedures and processes ensure that:

  1. You have recognition and accommodation of retrofit project management oversight by the retrofit coordinator (PAS 2030, Clause 4)
  2. You have possession and validation of an EEM design identified as being in compliance with PAS 2035, for each specific installation location (PAS 2030, Clause 5)
  3. The operation of installation processes is relevant to the measure(s) to be installed (PAS 2030, Clause 6)
  4. Your operation of an installation process management system will include the undertaking of pre-installation building inspection (PAS 2030, Clause 7)
  5. You align to the service provision (PAS 2030, Clause 8)
  6. You ensure that your claims of compliance are in line with PAS 2030 (PAS 2030, Clause 9) and PAS 2030, (Annex A to Annex X)

4. Assessment and Certification Requirements

  1. The client should have a fully operational management system including controlled and up to date documents.
  2. The client will provide NetRet with a copy of the Management System Manual and other documentation as requested.
  3. The client will grant permission for the conduct of an assessment by qualified assessors conducting an assessment in two stages according to the agreed program.
  4. The client will grant permission for UKAS or other nominated personnel to attend assessment audits as required, to verify the competence of NetRet assessors.
  5. The client will grant permission for NetRet Group to share private and confidential company information with UKAS, TrustMark and Green Deal Orb when there is a requirement to do so.

These conditions are binding on both parties, and you must advise us if you are struggling to meet our conditions so that we can review, support you and take the necessary actions.

5. Terms & Definitions

For the purposes of this PAS, the terms defined in BS EN ISO/IEC 17065 and PAS 2030 together with those provided in this clause, apply.

6. Logo and Certification Icons

Rules governing the use of the NetRet Group Ltd registration mark and certification icons will be issued with the certificate and must be complied with.

How to use the UKAS accreditation symbols - UKAS

7. PAS Certification & TrustMark Registration Fees

Separate quotations are provided for the various stages of certification which will include:

Initial Certification

  • Process of your application for certification.
  • A document review of your existing system and visit.
  • Head office visit
  • Technical inspections for each measure (note that these MUST be conducted within 90 days of a head office visit.)
  • An assessor-day rate based on normal working hours (9am-5pm)
  • Quotes do not include assessor expenses which may include travelling, travel time, overnight accommodation, and meals. Mileage is charged at £0.45 per mile.
  • Includes first certificate, NetRet mark of registration to use on your company collateral (there will be a small admin charge for any changes or additional certifications)
  • Upon initial certification clients are required to complete a monthly installation log of all measure specific work to enable us to produce accurate surveillance costings for the maintenance of certification.

Surveillance Visits

  • An assessor day-rate based on normal working hours (9am-5pm)
  • 1-10% of your installations will be inspected after the first year and initial certification (and during the first year) or an inspection schedule commences following your initial certification. Inspections will range from between 1-10% dependant on measure and risk assessment.
  • The percentage is based on a risk assessment that is carried out during the initial certification assessments.
  • Quotes do not include assessor expenses which may include travelling, travel time, overnight accommodation, and meals. Milage is charged at £0.45 per mile.
  • Membership - Inspection/Surveillance fees are based at £175 per Inspection (3 inspections minimum).
  • Basic - Inspection/Surveillance fees are based at £220 per Inspection (3 inspections minimum).

NetRet ensures all Contractors who provide Retrofit Energy Efficient Measures, in accordance with PAS 2030:2019 have a risk rating assessment dependent on the measure itself. Under the current and most relevant PAS, using an approved system, NetRet calculates the overall risk for site surveillance requirements.

Note: Cancellation of site surveillance with less than 48 hours' notice will incur a day rate charge of £500. Your change of date will be included in the charge.

Increase of Surveillance Visits

Refer to table (inspection rates by tier) page 6

Extension of Scope

  • Process of your application for increase of scope
  • A document review of your existing system and visit
  • Head office visit
  • Technical inspections for each extension to scope measure
  • An assessor-day rate based on normal working hours (9am-5pm)
  • Quotes do not include assessor expenses which may include travelling, travel time, overnight accommodation, and meals. Milage is charged at £0.45 per mile.
  • Includes first certificate, NetRet mark of registration to use on your company collateral (there will be a small admin charge for any changes or additional certifications)

In the event of the client cancelling any planned visits within 30 days of the appointment the full amount will be payable.

Evaluation Requirements

  • NetRet Group Ltd shall confirm that the retrofit installer has in place and uses procedures and processes to ensure:
  • Recognition and accommodation of retrofit project management oversight by the retrofit coordinator (PAS 2030, Clause 4);
  • Clause 5 The retrofit design including 5.1 Installer responsibility to be in possession of a retrofit design and 5.2 Validation of the retrofit design
  • Operation of an installation process relevant to the measure(s) to be installed (PAS 2030, Clause 6);
  • PAS 2030 section 7: Installation process management including 7.1 Operation and process oversight 7.2 Pre-installation building inspection 7.3 Action in respect of intermediate inspection 7.4 Installation change 7.5 Process continuity plan 7.6 Process control 7.7 Internal audit and corrective action 7.8 Installation process records 7.9 Business and financial probity
  • Service provision (PAS 2030, Clause 8);
  • Claims of compliance with PAS 2030 (PAS 2030, Clause 9); and
  • Compliance with PAS 2030, (Annex A to Annex X)

This shall be done by audit of retrofit installer records and standard procedures and processes, taking account of the number and scale of retrofit installer activities (e.g. number and geographical spread of offices, number of installation operatives and range of measure applications). NOTE Compliance with the requirements of PAS 2030 implies knowledge of PAS 2035 as this is referenced in PAS 2030. Therefore, certification bodies should include understanding of PAS 2035 in their audits.

EEM Installation Delivery Evaluation

NetRet Group shall confirm the delivery of a sample of the installation through at-location inspection of pre-installation building inspection activity and of installation activity both during and after completion, in relation to each of the measures for which the installer has applied for certification. This can be on the basis of inspection undertaken by NetRet Group Ltd or inspection already undertaken by another certification body accredited to BS EN ISO/IEC 17065 or an inspection body accredited to BS EN ISO/IEC 17020, that also meets all or some of the requirements of PAS 2031. In the event that the other inspection used does not meet all of the requirements of PAS 2031, NetRet Group Ltd shall undertake direct inspection of the retrofit installer’s activity, in respect of the missing requirements. If, at the time of initial evaluation, the retrofit installer has not undertaken installations claimed to comply with PAS 2030 for the measures under evaluation, the inspection shall be carried out on analogous work or if a suitable example is not available by examination of capability and available competence. Where one or the other of these alternatives are applied, NetRet Group Ltd shall require that the retrofit installer notify it of the first instance of installation of a relevant measure to PAS 2030 and provide opportunity for retrospective inspection and evaluation.

Surveillance Evaluation

Installation process evaluation 

You will allow NetRet at least annually access to the recorded pre-installation building inspections and installation processes in relation to each of the measures for which you are certified, to establish whether those processes and their application comply with the core requirements of PAS2030 and the relevant measure-specific Annex(es) of that PAS 2030.

EEM Installation Delivery Evaluation

NetRet Group Ltd shall undertake at-location inspection of the retrofit installer’s pre- installation building inspection activity and installation activity both during and after completion, in accordance with the schedule provided in 5.2.3 in relation to, and representative of, the range of measures for which the retrofit installer has been certified. Where not otherwise specified, the choice between inspection during or after installation shall be on the basis of random selection but can be influenced by previous non-conformity, complaint or feedback.

NetRet Group Ltd shall select at least five installations at random for each measure type. If it is not possible to visit any of the first five selected installations, NetRet Group Ltd shall select another five at random and the process will continue until the required number of inspections have taken place within the accepted time limit.

Inspection shall be carried out on at least one physical measure of each type registered under certification every 12 months or, if a suitable example is not available, by examination of capability and available competence. Where one or other of these alternatives are applied, NetRet Group Ltd shall require that the retrofit installer notify it of the first instance of installation of a relevant measure to PAS 2030, providing opportunity for retrospective inspection and evaluation.

If the installer still has no PAS 2030 work for a particular measure after a second consecutive certification cycle, NetRet Group Ltd shall consider withdrawal of certification for that measure. Such action shall be considered on a case-by-case basis and a decision to continue certification shall be justified and recorded.

This will be of at least five installations at random for each measure type. (Unless otherwise determined by the NetRet Risk Matix). If it is not possible to visit any of the first five selected installations, NetRet shall select another five at random and the process will continue until the required number of inspections have taken place within the accepted time limit. (As determined by the NetRet Risk Matrix)

NOTE 1 The risk assessment may be conducted more frequently than the surveillance cycle in 5.2.4 subject to a minimum period of three months between risk assessments.

NOTE 2 The determination of inspection rates is not dependent on the version of PAS 2030 to

which the retrofit installer has been certified.

You will allow these inspections for each measure type registered under certification every 12 months. 

NOTE Certification bodies may undertake such inspection directly through the use of their own resources or through the subcontracting of an inspection body accredited to BS EN ISO/IEC 17020 or BS EN ISO/IEC 17065.

Installation Delivery Evaluation Schedule

If the retrofit installer has been certified for less than one surveillance cycle, the inspection rate shall be the standard inspection rate for the relevant measure tier in Table 3. At the conclusion of each subsequent surveillance cycle the risk assessment Table 1 shall be used to determine a risk score for the retrofit installer. The total risk score from Table 1 shall be used in conjunction with Table 2 to identify the inspection rate. The inspection rate from table 2 will be applied to each measure tier via Table 3 to identify the percentage of

inspections to be carried out for each measure subject to a minimum of one inspection per included measure.

You will allow NetRet to undertake at-location inspections of the retrofit installer’s preinstallation building inspection activity and installation activity both during and after completion, in accordance with the schedule provided in relation to, and representative of, the range of measures for which the retrofit installer has been certified.

If the Retrofit Installer still has no PAS 2030 work for a particular measure after a second consecutive certification cycle, then NetRet will consider withdrawal of certification for that measure.

NetRet will be based on a case-by-case basis and a decision to continue certification shall be justified and recorded.

NetRet are allowed to undertake such inspections directly using their own resources or through the subcontracting of an inspection body accredited to BS EN ISO/IEC 17020 or BS EN ISO/IEC 17065.

Please note: 

The determination of inspection rates is not dependent on the version of PAS 2030 to which the Retrofit Installer has been certified.

NetRet and the Retrofit Installer agree that the surveillance evaluation of each type of certified EEM installation process and delivery shall be undertaken in surveillance cycles of approximately 12 months but not exceeding 16 months from the date of certification or the previous surveillance evaluation.

(At-Location) Inspection

Examination of pre-installation building inspection and/or EEM installation activity at the building in which installation is to be, is being or has been, undertaken, either before, during or after its undertaking.

NOTE This inspection will be at a level of detail sufficient to assess compliance of the installation with the relevant requirements of PAS 2030, and in conjunction with evaluation of the installation process used. 

The installation process management 

You agree as a Retrofit Installer to provide NetRet with the address and all relevant details of all properties where a (PAS compliant) measure will or has been installed and shall maintain a record of a minimum of guarantee period for the specific measure.

You agree that as a Retrofit Installer you will not commence the installation of an EEM without being in possession of the relevant location specific retrofit design for the complete package of measures to be installed as part of that project (PAS 2030, 5.1)

You agree as a Retrofit Installer to look through the design and feed back any obvious error or emissions to the retrofit designer, in accordance with PAS 2030, 5.2.

You agree as a Retrofit Installer prior to commencement of any installation, prepare a dedicated installation method statement in accordance with PAS 2030, 6.1 and has undertaken a preinstallation building inspection meeting the requirements of PAS 2030, 7.2.

You as a Retrofit Installer agree that any installation, testing, commissioning and handover of an installed EEM will be undertaken in accordance with the relevant installation method statement and the relevant installation process elements of PAS 2030, 6.2 to 6.11.

You agree as a Retrofit Installer that when you undertake and complete EEM installations, you will routinely maintain oversight procedures in accordance with the requirements of PAS 2030, 7.1, 7.3 to 7.7 and 7.9

You agree as Retrofit Installer to keep and maintain records of current capability, training and vocational competence for preinstallation building inspectors and installation operatives meet the requirements of PAS 2030,6.5, including the provision of evidence supporting the vocational competence of personnel employed and any subRetrofit Installers as well as demonstrating that competence ratios relevant to the specific measures installed are routinely complied with by both.

You agree as a Retrofit Installer that pre-installation building inspection records (7.2.6) and installation process records are routinely prepared, maintained and made available to NetRet as required in PAS 2030, 7.8.

Retrofit Installer Service Capability 

You as a Retrofit Installer agree that you have a complaints procedure, confirming that the retrofit installer has in place and operates a in accordance with PAS 2030 (8.1), and that records in respect of complaints are maintained in accordance with that PAS (7.1); PAS 2030, 8.2

As a Retrofit Installer you confirm that you have in place procedures to instruct operatives with regard to their responses to clients in accordance with PAS 2030 (8.3).

To progress to certification 100% of the invoice costs should be settled.

Payment Due Dates: Payments are due within 30 days from the date of invoice unless otherwise stated in the agreement.

Late Payment Penalties: Late payments may incur interest charges as specified in the agreement.

Refund Policy: Refunds, if applicable, are subject to the terms outlined in the agreement.

Confidentiality: All financial transactions and client information are treated with strict confidentiality.

Legal and Contractual Obligations: The certification body and the client must adhere to the legal and contractual terms specified in the certification agreement.

These terms ensure transparency and consistency in the certification process, aligning with the requirements of the PAS 2030 standards.

Cooling off Period

As long as an assessment has not been confirmed or began (if so refer to our Cancellation Policy), you can cancel this agreement within 14 days under our cooling off period and you are entitled to a full refund.

Post 14 days and if you have not booked in or begun the assessment process and decide not to proceed at this stage, we will hold monies within credit ready for when you do wish to progress your application for certification.


Following a satisfactory assessment, technical inspections, verification of the assessment report, and completion of any corrective actions, we shall issue a certificate, which is valid for one year.

Subsequent yearly certificates are issued subject to continued satisfactory performance being achieved through surveillance assessments, which shall be carried out on 1-10% of your installations.

If a major non-conformance is found during the initial assessment process a recommendation for certification shall not be made until either corrective action has been verified by a site visit (which may be chargeable) or appropriate documentary evidence of corrective action has been submitted and approved by us.

If a major non-conformance is found during surveillance assessment you shall be required to carry out corrective action within an agreed timescale, which shall normally be no greater than 21 days following the assessment.

Where there are a high number of non-conformances (i.e., more than 5), there will be additional charges to review these due to the time it takes for additional assessment.


Types of Non-Conformity 

Defined in BS EN ISO/IEC 17021-1 as non-fulfilment of a requirement, a non- conformity shall be expressed factually and objectively in language that clearly and concisely identifies the nature and extent of the non-fulfilment and the action necessary for its correction, in a manner that is recognisable by other assessors. Statement of the non-conformity shall be uniquely identifiable, related to the clause number of the relevant standard and categorized as one of the following:

NOTE Further details on actions in the event of non-conformity are given in BS EN ISO/IEC 17065, 7.11.

Where a non-conformity is not corrected within 12 weeks of the evaluation date, NetRet Group Ltd may suspend/withdraw the certificate of the retrofit installer, subject to appeal, or impose additional sanctions, which can include the imposition of additional evaluation and/or inspection.

NOTE Circumstances under which non-conformity resolution may exceed 12 weeks where supported by evidence that the non-conformity is being addressed. This could include evidence of alternative dispute resolution or legal action.

Non-conformance is the absence or failure to implement and maintain one or more requirements of the reference standard under assessment.

There are two grades of non-conformance:

Major Non-Conformance

The absence or failure to implement and maintain one or more requirements of the management system reference standard, or a situation which would, based on objective evidence, raise significant doubt as to the capability of the system to achieve the policy and objectives of the system.

A major non-conformance would also be raised if the organisation breached a legal requirement.

Certification shall not be granted or continued to be certified until all major non-conformities have been corrected and the corrective actions verified.

Minor Non-Conformance

A vague or unrevealing element of the management system, which may result in a small discrepancy that could be corrected with minimal organisational, operational, or technical change and within a reasonable time frame, (as opposed to a major non-conformance where the facility has not addressed or adequately addressed the criterion).

Action in the event of non-conformity

Where installer non-conformities are identified or reports of installation failure are received by NetRet Group Ltd, NetRet Group Ltd shall require the retrofit installer to provide evidence of correction, including action taken to prevent reoccurrence, within eight weeks of the evaluation that identified the non-conformance and inform the installer of the implications of non-correction by 12 weeks from the date of the evaluation.

NOTE Further details on actions in the event of non-conformity are given in BS EN ISO/IEC 17065, 7.11.

PAS 2030 Surveillance Visits Agreement

It is part of the PAS 2030 requirement that Surveillance Visits commence as soon as your initial certification is granted. These are calculated as a % of your total number of installs, which will be between 1-10% dependant on your score.

These must be completed before your next yearly head office assessment.

As part of your certification agreement, you must:

  • Submit your weekly installation numbers so that the number of required visits can be monitored and calculated against the percentage required.
  • As soon as the total number of % of surveillance visits need hits three, a list of properties will need to be submitted so that technical inspections can be arranged.
  • Agree to a monthly surveillance assessment program to keep on top of the number of technical assessments required.

It is a contractual requirement with Green Deal Orb that you submit your weekly installation figures to your Certification Body. Failure to do this could lead to both PAS 2030 Certification and TrustMark to be suspended.

Special Assessment Visit

We reserve the right to make an additional chargeable Special Assessment Visit in the following circumstances:

  • Where assessment is required verify the closure of Major non- conformances
  • At initial evaluation the condition of the management system or scope of certification is not as described during the application stage
  • Significant modifications to the management system have taken place.
  • Significant changes to the organisation, scope or processes have occurred which were not notified to us in sufficient time prior to the standard assessment visit.
  • Where we are required to investigate information on serious accidents or a breach of legislation resulting in the involvement of the regulatory authority
  • A TrustMark notification to us that highlights concern as an Installer of Interest Assessment Plan (Circular Training).

TrustMark Applicants

Any applicants wishing to gain TrustMark registration are advised to read their downloadable guidance found via this link to ensure the scheme requirements are fully understood. Please note all applications will be audited against its standards to confirm compliance before registration is granted:

Helpful Information, Guidance & Advice for Work Done Around Your Home (trustmark.org.uk)

Any installer who does not declare their outstanding Technical Monitoring fails during the application process, runs the risk of being automatically removed from the TrustMark scheme.

Installer of Interest Assessment Plan

Where there is an occasion that TrustMark have highlighted a high percentage of fails via their Technical Monitoring we reserve the right to move the organisation onto our “Installer of Interest Assessment Plan”.

We have designed this programme to provide Installers who have been identified as problematic with a chance to improve so that they can retain certification if they demonstrate improvement, rather than move to an immediate removal of their PAS 2030 and TrustMark registration.

  • This is a short-term assessment programme in which the Installation Organisation will have the opportunity to demonstrate their move to reduce TM fails so that they can continue to retain their certification and TrustMark registration.
  • The programme has been designed to ensure that the Installation Organisation is moving towards sustainable improvement and reduce risk of TM fails.
  • The installer organisation will be required to:
    • Evidence corrective actions via a Special Assessment Visit to address the root cause of the TM fails.
    • Submit corrective actions through an improvement plan to demonstrate how the business intends to improve moving forward as agreed during the Special Assessment Visit
    • Evidence to show an improvement in technical fails.
  • There is an additional fee to be moved onto the “Installer of Interest Assessment Plan” to cover the additional assessment and administration time required to closely monitor the installer organisation.
    • £995 + VAT (inclusive of expenses) for a Special Assessment Visit
    • £595 +VAT administration management fee per month
    • Once the improvement plan is in place a technical inspection will be required against each measure. We will offer for Special Assessment Inspections to coincide with your surveillance assessments.
    • If this can’t be coordinated to coincide with surveillance visits each Special Assessment Technical Inspection will be £500 +VAT
  • PAS 2030 Certification and TrustMark Registration will be removed where an organisation is:
    • Not willing to move onto the Installer of Interest Assessment Plan when required (Circular Training)..
    • Fails to comply with the agreed corrective actions from the Special Assessment Visit
    • Becomes uncooperative and unresponsive.
    • Once we are satisfied that the Installation Organisation has demonstrated a change in their procedures to address the root cause to reduce risk, they will be moved back onto our standard surveillance programme.

You as a Retrofit Installer agree that any non-conformances found, you will provide evidence of corrections, including action taken to prevent reoccurrence, within eight weeks of the evaluation that identified the non-conformance and NetRet will inform the installer of the implications of non-correction by Twelve weeks from the date of the evaluation.

Where a non-conformity is not corrected within 12 weeks of the evaluation date, NetRet may suspend/withdraw the certificate of the retrofit installer, subject to appeal, or impose additional sanctions, which can include the imposition of additional evaluation and/or inspection.

NetRet will keep Records of PAS 20230 Retrofit Installer evaluations for a minimum of six years and of certification, suspensions or withdrawals for a minimum of 25 years. 

Evaluation of Client Service Capability

The evaluation of client service capability shall be undertaken as part of both initial evaluation and surveillance evaluation and shall include:

  1. a) a complaints procedure, confirming that the retrofit installer has in place and operates a complaints procedure in accordance with PAS 2030 (, 8.1) , and that records in respect of complaints are maintained in accordance with PAS 2030, 8.2; and
  2. b) interaction with clients, confirming that the retrofit installer has in place and operates procedures to instruct operatives with regard to their responses to clients in accordance with PAS 2030 (, 8.3).

Customer Complaints about your organisation

If we receive a complaint about your organisation, we have a process in place that will need to be followed:

The complaint will be logged on our system and we will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 72 hours to the complainant.

  1. We will ask you as the installation company to provide details around the complaint so we can carry out an investigation.
  2. We will ask that you – as the installation organisation – to contact the complainant direct in the first instance to try and resolve the issue.
  3. Within four weeks we would expect in most cases for the complaint to be resolved with the installation company and complainant direct and we will ask you to provide evidence of this.
  4. If within the four weeks, the issue is still outstanding the complainant may be given an option to access ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)
  5. If you are a TrustMark registered business, and the complainant feels the issue still has not been resolved, then we will provide them with an option to escalate the dispute to the Dispute Resolution Ombudsman (DRO) when all steps above have been exhausted.

As part of your certification agreement, we reserve the right to:

  1. Carry out a special visit to the complainant’s property and/or your head office to investigate the complaint. This will be at cost to the installation organisation. Failure to comply with this could result in suspension of certification and TrustMark registration.
  2. Ask for the installation organisation to provide evidence of how they have dealt with the complaint to demonstrate that process has been followed. Failure to comply with this could result in suspension of certification and TrustMark registration.
  3. Increase risk scoring of the business (resulting in an increase of % for Surveillance Inspections) where we find that the installation organisation has failed to meet their own process.

PAS 2030 Certification & TrustMark Registration Agreement

  • As the client you will always fulfil the certification requirements including implementing appropriate changes when they are communicated by NetRet Group Ltd
  • If the certification applies to ongoing production, the certified product continues to fulfil the product requirements.
  • As our client you will make all necessary arrangements for
    • the conduct of the evaluation and surveillance (if required), including provision for examining documentation and records, and access to the relevant equipment, location(s), area(s), personnel, and sub-contractors:
    • investigation of complaints:
    • the participation of observers, if applicable:
  • The client makes claims regarding certification consistent with the scope of certification:
  • The client does not use its product certification in such a manner as to bring NetRet Group Ltd into disrepute and does not make any statement regarding its product certification that NetRet Group Ltd may consider misleading or unauthorised:
  • Upon suspension, withdrawal, or termination of certification, the client discontinues its use of all advertising matter that contains any reference thereto and takes action as required by the certification scheme (e.g., the return of certification documents) and takes any other required measure;
  • If the client provides copies of the certification documents to others, the documents shall be reproduced in their entirety or as specified in the certification scheme:
  • In making reference to its product certification in communication media such as documents, brochures or advertising, the client complies with the requirements of NetRet Group Ltd or as specified by the certification scheme:
  • The client complies with any requirements that may be prescribed in the certification scheme relating to the use of marks of conformity, and on information related to the product:
  • The client keeps a record of all complaints made known to it relating to compliance with certification requirements and makes these records available to NetRet Group Ltd when requested, and
    • takes appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found in products that affect compliance with the requirements for certification:
    • documents the actions taken:
  • The client informs NetRet Group Ltd, without delay, of changes that may affect its ability to conform with the certification requirements.
    • the legal, commercial, organisational status or ownership,
    • organisation and management (e.g., key managerial, decision-making, or technical staff),
    • modifications to the product or the production method,
    • contact address and production sites,
    • major changes to the quality management system.

How Long Certification Takes

There are many factors that impact the certification timeline, these are largely on our customer side as we have set timeframes that we work within that ensures we provide the excellent customer service and to manage your expectations.

The time frames are detailed below:

  • Once you have paid, we will contact you within 72 hours to arrange your assessment dates.
  • Assessment Reports will be submitted no more than 48 hours after the event. This is also when you will receive details of any non-conformances found.
  • When you respond to a non-conformance, we will review your evidence no later than 10 working days.
  • When all non-conformances are closed, we will send your reports for independent Technical Verification. We will complete this within 5 working days.
  • Once the Technical Verification is complete, we will complete our Certification Decision Making Report. We aim to have this completed within 5 working days.
  • Upon the decision to grant certification, we will produce your certificate which must pass our quality checks. We aim to have this completed within 5 working days.


The above time frames will be longer for the following reasons:

  • Poor evidence is submitted to us against any raised non-conformance resulting in these being rejected and having to be re-submitted.
  • Additional non-conformances are raised during Technical Verification and Certification Decision Making.




In the event of a dispute or because of an unsuccessful application, you have the right of appeal. The appeal must be sent to the NetRet Group Ltd to review.

NetRet Group Ltd’s procedure for complaints, disputes and appeals can be made available on request.


NetRet Group Ltd have the right to exercise the control the use and display of licenses, certificates, marks of conformity, and any other mechanisms for indicating a product is certified.

Incorrect references to the certification scheme, or misleading use of licenses, certificates, marks, or any other mechanism for indicating a product is certified, found in documentation or other publicity, shall be dealt with by suitable action.

Full details on our logo and use of mark policy can be found here


Cancellation of a booked assessment within 48 hours of the assessment

Cancellation of a booked assessment two – thirty days prior to the assessment

Application withdrawal within 14 days of application being accepted

  • Void Fee, for failure to be present or available when the assessor/auditor has attended at the scheduled appointment.
  • If a location specific retrofit design for the relevant measures has not been received 24 hours before the technical assessment
  • If the installer is not in possession of all relevant paperwork i.e., the installer pack.
  • The site is unsuitable, this includes unsafe conditions, homeowner/tenant is uncooperative or has not been informed or can’t access the property.
  • The installer/installation team are unreasonably late or not available.
  • The installer/installation team are uncooperative.
  • The measures booked to inspect are the incorrect measures or the installation is not at the right stage (pre/mid/post) for the inspection.

The installation materials have not turned up, delaying the installation.


Safety is important to us, and we ask that you tell us about safety requirements prior to the initial visit.

Should protective equipment be required then you must supply it to us for the purposes of our work at your premises.


The client will inform us in writing, without delay of matters effecting the capability of the managements system to continue to fulfil the requirements of the standard used for certification.

These include, for example:

  • Changes relating to the legal, commercial, organisational status or ownership, organisation and management (e.g., key managerial, decision-making, or technical staff).
  • Contact address and additional sites.
  • Scope of operations under the certified management system.
  • Major changes to the management system and processes.
  • Information on incidents such as a serious accident, or a serious breach of legislation necessitating the involvement of the competent regulatory authority.


NetRet shall be relieved of liability should either or both parties become unable to carry out their obligations because of any matter beyond their reasonable control and which was not to be reasonably foreseen.


All information obtained by either party because of our mutual involvement in the certification process shall be held as confidential and not disclosed to any other party unless required as part of the certification process and agreed by both parties.

This confidentiality undertaking shall continue for 90 days after termination of this agreement.


For initial certification or a scope extension, technical inspections MUST be conducted within 90 days of the head office assessment to ensure that the validity of the assessment is maintained for the chosen measures.

Where the technical inspections have exceeded the 90-day period from the head office assessment, the head office assessment will need to be repeated and is chargeable to the installation organisation.


Both parties shall have the right to terminate the agreement at any time by giving three months’ notice in writing, or immediately should:

  • The other party breach any of the conditions of certification and fail to remedy that breach within 30 days of being required to do so, or such other period as may be specified in writing.
  • The other party repeat a material breach of the conditions of certification which it has been previously required to remedy.
  • The other party become insolvent or enter liquidation or has a receiver appointed or suffer any similar action as a consequence of debt.
  • Upon such termination all fees and other payments shall become immediately payable, and any certificate of registration issued by us shall be invalidated with effect from the date of termination.
  • Upon withdrawal of certification, the client will discontinue its use of all advertising matter that contains reference to the relevant certification issued by NetRet.
  • Both the certificate and the rights to use the NetRet registered symbol remain our property.


The Certificate may be withdrawn or suspended for any of the following reasons:

  • Breach of any of these terms.
  • The client’s certified management system has persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements.
  • Failure to apply corrective action because of non- conformities found at assessment or surveillance visits.
  • Continued logo misuse.
  • Failure of the customer to settle any outstanding invoices within the required invoicing term.

In the event of withdrawal or suspension of certification the customer shall discontinue any reference to their certification across their platforms.

The customer shall return all certification documentation to our offices. NetRet will make public to all interested parties the status of the certification.

Minimum Service

This agreement entails a minimum three (3) - year service commitment, strategically designed to ensure the optimal delivery of your PAS 2030 certification & TrustMark Registration. The technical inspections, integral to this certification process, will play a pivotal role in achieving excellence.

Upon the conclusion of each annual term, you will have the opportunity to choose between two service options: continued support or a basic level of service.

Estimated time of Achievement

When estimating an achievement date for a company audit, there are several factors to consider. The exact number of factors may vary depending on the specific circumstances, but here are some key factors to take into account:

Audit Scope: The size and complexity of the audit, as well as the number of locations or subsidiaries involved, can significantly impact the time required.

Internal Controls: The strength and effectiveness of the company's internal controls can affect the efficiency of the audit process.

Industry and Measures: Different industries have varying reporting requirements and complexities, so industry-specific factors may come into play.

Historical Data: Availability and quality of historical financial data and audit trails can impact the audit timeline.

Cooperation and Preparedness: The company's willingness to cooperate, provide requested documentation, and resolve any issues promptly can affect the audit's efficiency.

Quality of Management System Reporting: The accuracy and completeness of the QMS submitted for audit can impact the time required for verification.

External Factors: External factors like changes in auditing standards, unexpected economic events, or the availability of key personnel can also impact the audit timeline.

Client Specifics: Each company may have unique characteristics or challenges that affect the audit timeline.

Auditor's Workload: The availability and workload of the audit firm or auditor may affect scheduling.

Estimating an achievement date for an audit involves a careful assessment of these factors to ensure a realistic timeline that meets both the company's and the auditor's expectations. It's important to maintain open communication with the audit team to manage expectations and address any potential delays.

Your auditor will give you a rough estimate for achievement which you will be informed of.

  1. Claims of Conformity

Conformity evaluation activities, for which conformity with PAS 2031 is claimed, shall be identified by the inclusion of reference to this PAS in associated documentation.


Version 3.2 04/10/2024

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